Sunday, April 16, 2017

This email was sent by Sister Welker on April 17th.  We received it on April 16th.  It is an account from last week (April 10th).

Week 35: Glow-in-the-Dark Volleyball, and General Conference!!

General Conference is always the best!!! It's like Christmas for missionaries hahah.  If only we could bring popcorn into the chapel, then it would be like going to the movies for a total of 10 hours hahaha.  It's hard to pick a favorite talk because I thought they were all amazing!!  Some of my top favorites probably had to be Henry B. Eyring's "My Peace I Leave With You," Ronald A. Rasband's "Let the Holy Spirit Guide," and Dieter F. Uchtdorf's "Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear."   I can't remember which speaker mentioned this story, but one of the members of the 70 talked about some firefighters that helped to put out a burning stake center (lds chapel).  One of the firefighters asked the church leaders that were there, "What was the most important part of the chapel that they could save?"  The firefighters assumed that the sacrament cups would be something of value, but the church leader just laughed and said, "The sacrament cups are actually plastic and are easily replaceable."  So instead the firefighters went inside the burning building, and each one came out holding a portrait or painting of Christ.  Though this story wasn't mentioned in great detail, I thought that had to be one of my favorite stories, and it made me think "what is most important for me to save in times of my own spiritual fire?"  I truly admire our emergency personnel that risk their lives everyday to save and protect those in their community.  I don't think we thank them enough for their efforts!

Wednesday we played glow-in-the-dark volleyball with the ward.  The missionaries were heavily involved with the planning of the activity, and if I'm being honest, I didn't expect the activity to go very well.  But of course, I have little faith and in the end it all worked out.  We actually had more people show than we expected, and we ran out of glow sticks to pass out.  We even had people stay after the activity officially ended to play some more before we had to close the chapel.  Everyone had a great time and they all can't wait for the next ward activity!!

Sister Mandy Welker

A Walk at the park in between Sunday General Conference
1st time Sister C has walked in our area and not driven hahaha (she wanted to take a picture because it doesn't happen often).
PDay at the Lake/beach/park
Tim Tam Slam Party!!

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